"The New Age Order" is the message "Think about Humanities". The advancement of information technology has been remarkable. Some professionals say "Technological Singularity is around the corner". I’m afraid we are putting our future into genius engineers' hands totally. All this time, I don't even understand all the concepts behind AI, Google, The internet, etc. I recommend young adults, especially that who are innovators (including we artists) and engineers to learn about philosophy and morality. Information technology can be too powerful and we should control it by our morals. I used to study the law (major in Civil law). I realized that the law is a monument to philosophy and morality. Now, I'm working as an artist and a system engineer. So, I incorporated computer codes representing law and some messages into my artworks. This artwork’s title is “709”. Japanese Civil law #709 has established “Damages in Torts”. It says “A person who has intentionally or negligently infringed any right of others, or legally protected interest of others, shall be liable to compensate any damages resulting in consequence”. Civil law #709 is a one of most popular articles in Japanese law. Characters and numbers are written in shift-JIS code. We can see the character string Japanese Civil law #709 on the computer using them.